Tutorial belajar bahasa arab pdf
Tutorial belajar bahasa arab pdf

Tutorial belajar bahasa arab pdf Tutorial belajar bahasa arab pdf

The result of signification test accord ing to the rules decision of two-tailed test is whether the H 1 is accepted and H 0 is rejected.

Tutorial belajar bahasa arab pdf

Signification test of the data is done by two-tailed test to accept an alternative hypothesis "That students of Arabic Education 1st Semester are beginner learners and existing dictionaries give understanding of detail meaning of Arabic vocabulary yet and ViKA dictionary is effective for us e ", or reject the null hypothesis "That 1 st semester students of Arabic Education 1st are n o t beginner learners and existing dictionaries give understanding of detail meaning of Arabic vocabulary and ViKA dictionary is ineffective for use ". ViKA Dictionary is tested to 50 of 1 st semester students of Arabic Education at State Institute for Islamic Studies Salatiga, with the data is obtained through Pre-ViKA and Post-ViKA questionnaires and interviews. This Research and Development uses quantitative data for the analysis with the independent variables "ViKA Dictionary" and the dependent variable “the ineffectiveness of existing dictionaries and the effectiveness of ViKA dictionary. This research aims to produce a digital dictionary ViKA (Visualitation by Creation and Action) as media for for beginner learners to understand the meaning of Arabic vocabulary according the morphology (Creation) and syntax (Action).

Tutorial belajar bahasa arab pdf